❤️I have been teaching Pilates for many years now in Kinsale & Innishannon Parish hall.
✅ I qualified in the University of Limerick, as a ‘Pilates & Postural Correction Specialist’, and this really was life changing for me. To think & train in a completely different way, was extremely difficult initially, but once I started to see the benefit, I was hooked
🔥Why I love what I do❤️❤️
✅ I qualified in the University of Limerick, as a ‘Pilates & Postural Correction Specialist’, and this really was life changing for me. To think & train in a completely different way, was extremely difficult initially, but once I started to see the benefit, I was hooked.
🔥 Pilates has made me feel that I am welcome, supported and able. Coming from a Military background, which at times, very grueling & exhausting,
Pilates was a huge gift to me.
🔥Pilates has taught me to finally nurture and care for my body, no matter what it looks like externally.
🔥Pilates created a mind-body focus. Lets face it; not everyone is cut out for meditation, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need it. Pilates is my meditation. Being able to quiet the noise in my mind, focus on my body, how it’s moving, and when to breath is essential.
✅Stress/less environment. I am one of the lucky ones in that I have been able to make my passion my job❤️❤️
❤️I get to spend my days in a space I love, with wonderful inspiring people, practicing what I love to do the most.
👉Support system. Even though I teach Pilates, it does not mean that I’m “injury” free. Thanks to years of intensive Military Training, my body at times can sound like a percussive snap, crackle pop.
✅What my training has done is create a functional support. I know that my body will be supported by my training.
It keeps me grounded. No matter what life stresses find their way into my day ( emails, bills, writing blog posts, making dinner, whatever), taking myself down onto the mat, sucking in a deep breath, and moving my body immediately calms and grounds my mind. I can’t control everything, but
👉Pilates has taught me to relax and focus on the now.
❤️❤️Why do you love your practice so much❓❓🔥🔥🔥
🔥If you would like more info on my Summer Pilates Timetable, both online or Onsite❓❓
👉Contact me.087-9514346
👉Instagram ‘keane-on-fitness’